Edge Operations NX
Edge operations are available to provide additional definition to the edges of a model. These operations include Edge Blend and Chamfer. They are available in the Feature Operation toolbar or by choosing Insert→Detail Feature.
Edge Blend
This option creates cylindrical or conical faces in place of an edge on a solid body. Material is added or subtracted depending on the topology of the solid body and the faces intersecting the selected edges (1,2) are shortened.
Creating Edge Blends
After choosing the Edge Blend option, a dialog is displayed and you are prompted to select a set of edges. You can key in the radius in the Set1 R field.
After the selecting edges, the result is previewed in the graphics window. The radius value can be adjusted by dragging one of the radius drag handles (1) or by keying in the value in the dynamic input field (2).
Multiple Edge Sets
A single blend feature may consist of one or more sets of edges and each set may have a different radius value. After the first set of edges is selected and a radius is specified, choose the Complete set and start next set icon in the dialog (or MB2 once) to select another set of edges.
The drag handles for the first edge set disappear and an anchor and label (Set1) are displayed. You may then select edges to include in the second edge set (Set2) and specify the radius using the new drag handles or dynamic input field.
You may continue to define another edge set or complete the blend operation by choosing OK (or MB2 twice).
Practical Applications of NX
Student Guide
January 2006
MT10050 — NX 4
Publication Number
mt10050_g NX 4
Edge Blend
This option creates cylindrical or conical faces in place of an edge on a solid body. Material is added or subtracted depending on the topology of the solid body and the faces intersecting the selected edges (1,2) are shortened.
Creating Edge Blends
After choosing the Edge Blend option, a dialog is displayed and you are prompted to select a set of edges. You can key in the radius in the Set1 R field.
After the selecting edges, the result is previewed in the graphics window. The radius value can be adjusted by dragging one of the radius drag handles (1) or by keying in the value in the dynamic input field (2).
Multiple Edge Sets
A single blend feature may consist of one or more sets of edges and each set may have a different radius value. After the first set of edges is selected and a radius is specified, choose the Complete set and start next set icon in the dialog (or MB2 once) to select another set of edges.
The drag handles for the first edge set disappear and an anchor and label (Set1) are displayed. You may then select edges to include in the second edge set (Set2) and specify the radius using the new drag handles or dynamic input field.
You may continue to define another edge set or complete the blend operation by choosing OK (or MB2 twice).
Practical Applications of NX
Student Guide
January 2006
MT10050 — NX 4
Publication Number
mt10050_g NX 4
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