Coordinate System (ABS)

Absolute Coordinate System (ABS) are not mobile. This defines a fixed point
and orientation in model space. An object that is at the absolute position X = 1, Y = 1, and Z = 1 in one piece is exactly the same absolute position in other parts.
In the absolute coordinate system, refer to the fixed reference point (0,0,0). Coordinate the writing is "x, y, z" where the comma separator value dots indicate the coordinates x, y, z from the reference point (0,0,0), whereas for decimal using a dot (.)
Absolute Coordinate System is a system where all the coordinates of the object is referenced.
This system is a fixed coordinate system and hence the location and orientation of each object back into the system.
Absolute Coordinate System or "Absolute CSYS" also provides a frame of reference of the file.
absolute position at X = 1, Y = 1, and Z = 1 in a single file is part of the same location in each of the other files as well.
View Triad is a visual indicator that represents the orientation of the coordinate system of the Absolute.

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